Experience a community that embraces everyone with the love of God! At Power in the Blood Assembly our vision is “Deliverance and Victorious Living through Jesus” and we live this daily in every area of our lives. Whether you are joining us in person or online, we invite you to experience the presence of God through our services and be a part of our family.
Online Giving
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
We would like to encourage you to consider electronic giving as a more convenient and organized way to give.
Electronic giving is a fast, secure and convenient way of giving that keeps pace with the times as well as your busy lifestyle. Go ahead and use one of our various platforms, to give at any time and from anywhere, with just a few simple clicks.
Thank you for your contributions to our ministry and to the Kingdom of God!

Ways to Give
Select one of these platforms to take advantage of online giving benefits

Secure Credit Card Payments
This payment platform was set up specifically for our church. This platform gives you the option to make payments online using your credit or debit card safely and securely with just a few clicks.

Online Banking Transfers
Send money directly from a bank account via your bank’s online banking platform. You must have third-party transfer capability enabled on your account.
Reach Out
Fill out the form below to contact us
Power in the Blood Church
Banking Information
CIBC First Caribbean International Bank
Account Number: 6033500
Account Type: Savings